Master 2 Informatique - Specialty AI (Course Learning Theory and Advanced Machine Learning)
Winter quarter 2024-2025
Teacher: Antoine Cornuéjols
Program of the class | Tentative schedule of the classes | References | Articles to chose from | Projects | Internships |
Last update: 16-January-2025
Dates : | Topics (tentative schedule) | References, exercises and homeworks |
09-01-2025 09h00 - 12h15 (Salle B-107) |
(Antoine Cornuéjols) - Introduction to the course. Out-of-Distribution learning. Central question of the course: What makes you believe that what you have learned so far from (source) training examples or task will be relevant to new (target) examples or tasks? Examination of classical induction - The statistical theory of learning for a stationary world. (The In-Distribution assumption)
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16-01-2025 09h00 - 12h15 (Salle B-107) |
(Antoine Cornuéjols) Out-of-Distribution learning for the sake of learning better or with less (annotated) examples
O.O.D. through multiple agents
Domain adaptation and tracking
Extension to other ensemble methods? |
Quiz No 1 |
23-01-2025 09h00 - 12h15 (Salle B-107) |
(Antoine Cornuéjols) Transfer learning What can be transferred:
(1) Learning a representation
(2) Discovering underlying regularities to transfer
Quiz No 2 |
30-01-2025 09h00 - 12h15 (Salle B-107) |
(Antoine Cornuéjols)
06-02-2025 09h00 - 12h15 (Salle B-107) |
(Antoine Cornuéjols) Transfer learning (3) Transfering the decision function instead of the representation
Learning from a teacher Slides of the class
Quiz No 3 |
13-02-2025 09h00 - 12h15 (Salle B-107) |
(Antoine Cornuéjols) Curriculum learning
Quiz No 4 (ICML-2021)-An Information-Geometric Distance on the Space of Tasks. (ICML-2021)-Continual Learning in the Teacher-Student Setup: Impact of Task Similarity. |
20-02-2025 09h00 - 12h15 (Salle B-107) |
(Antoine Cornuéjols) On-line learning. A succession of small transfer steps Slides of the class
General conclusions
Quiz No 5 Final reports on the projects are due |
Books on Machine Learning in general:
Books on specific topics:
Partly taken
(ICML-2024) Pseudo-Calibration-Improving Predictive Uncertainty Estimation in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation.
Names : | Projects : |
sujet | Institution |
sujet | Institution |
sujet | Institution |
sujet | Institution |
sujet | Institution |